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Ford Expedition with the PDT heartbeat hooked up to it testing for a drain!

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Two Guys Garage/MAVTV

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The PDT heartbeat 1001 finding a drain on a Toyota Forerunner!

this shows the tool determining if there is a drain and then narrowing it down to which circuit through diagnostics!

The PDT Heartbeat1001 in action!!

Watch the tool on a 2002 Toyota Solara

The PDT Heartbeat1001 doing it's magic on a 2006 Mustang!

Always so great to see how easy it is to use this tool!

More testing - now on an Escalade!

The PDT heartbeat 1001 testing for a drain on an Escalade!

Ford Expedition with the PDT heartbeat hooked up to it testing for a drain!

So easy to use and gives you a result at the end of testing!  No more guessing if a vehicle has a drain!

the PDT vs DVOM

Watch as we compare our tool and it's innovative technology to DVOMs....see the difference and why you need one of these tools today if you are working on drains!